This three day festival near Hastings presents an opportunity to explore research I’ve been conducting over the four past years of my PhD topic
What works would you sell on the street?
My work allows me to provide dictums for us with which to navigate our waking and dreaming hours.
Works on Show – The Great Imagining
“Nature as artist” is the theme for this exhibition and series of events, run by The[…]
The Wire Magazine Review – “I Will Greet the Sun Again”
Back in January 2023, on the 17th, we brought the issue of the Iran Revolution to into the realms of music and experimental sound. The Wire Magazine’s Clive Bell was there to review.
Bodyless Sound Art Show – October, Shoreditch
Feeling honoured to be in the same show as the great Beatriz Ferreyra, who I met[…]
Video: Talk at HKW, Berlin
This imposing 1960s structure, the House of World Cultures (Haus der Kulturen de Welt) played host[…]
An Electro-Acoustic Sound – Listen to Oscillatorial Binnage
In One Square Inch of Silence, award winning acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton recalls the original legal[…]
Greenwich Contemporary Arts Centre
Atchooo! Foley Workshop After delivering various talk series in the Middle East and London on[…]
XYL at Mona Foma, Tasmania
When we walk, we trace land lines traced by those who came before us. How much[…]
In the Dead of Night, The Reeds Speak of Separation
An extract from my talk at English Literature Department at University of Bristol, 2017, Animal Utterances[…]