What better way to resist hate than to up your loving quota, and sometimes only music does the impossible. When I think about dancing and community I remember one of Iran’s greatest Sufi poets, Rumi who said:
Frieze London – Two-Part Radio Transmission
How have I been broadcasting from Frieze since 2006 when we had a transmission radio booth[…]
WOW Festival Podcast
Around the time of it’s inception, I had been attending these think-ins for WOW festival. My[…]
Women, Life, Freedom Radio Special
I asked women from Iran to think about what we overseas should know, and what we might do, and there are surprising, important results. I also got to question a seasoned and renowned activist Steve Marsling.
Turntables Inside Drawers – Show Flat
I am using a silver sari-bell which was gifted to me while I was living in India, a kind of dog tag to me now, that meant the wearer was easily traced around the large rooms and levels of Indian homes
1:54 Africa Art Fair, London, 2021
Tour the yearly Somerset House extravaganza with me. Hidden microphones and quiet preview day, means a[…]
DJ Mix For British Council’s Selector Radio
A far out music mix I was asked to make for the British Council’s Selector Radio, shared by Primavera Sound Radio in Barcelona/ London.
Venice Biennial, in Audio and Print
If there’s anything Covid has taught us, with all it’s various concomitant lockdowns, is that no[…]
Frieze Week Radio Specials 2019
This year the Frieze Week Specials ran from 23-27th September, with exciting new and return guests[…]
BBCR4 Extra Broadcasts ‘When the Far Becomes Near’
Chris Weaver and my experimental audio documentary on radio history in the United Arab Emirates goes[…]