Streaming live to Resonance104.4FM from performances like this one inside one of our noise quartet’s flat. Oscillatorial Binnage played live to air, from Toby Clarkson’s “Show Flat”, 2008 in the unearthed video below. I am using a silver sari-bell which was gifted to me while I was living in India, a kind of dog tag to me now, that meant the wearer was easily traced around the large rooms and levels of Indian homes with her bells on. The kitchen and domestic equipment, steel, ceramics, silver… mundane, symbols of enslavement to ideas of status, and women’s work – manual work, now for the sonic realm they are repurposed and made my own. In some ways this connects to me DJ practice but in essence is a performance of a ritual and a rejection of both sonic and semiotic norms.
Turntables Inside Drawers – Show Flat