This Hawksmoor church in Greenwich village played an excellent acoustic host for our live sound performance,[…]
Animal Utterances
(Aspects of a talk given at University of Bristol’s English Literature Department conference Animal Utterances, summer[…]
Invisible Symposium – London College of Communications at Iklektik
Walking on Interstices: Tracing the Chora During a residency and symposium at the London College of[…]
Haus der Kulturen Der Welt, Berlin
The House of World Cultures. Towards the canal, an unusual structure is framed in greenery, and[…]
Magazine Article on ‘The Far Becomes Near’
The forthcoming Sharjah issue of Brownbook Magazine features an article I penned on my joint radio[…]
Au Revoir Works! The Songs Remain.
Three of my works, two electric ones and a textile piece, have gone into private and[…]
How do You Fealh? Lying Fallow for a Season.
Question: Is an artist a machine? fal·low (făl′ō) adj. fal′low·ness n. To rest is to gather[…]
Jebel Hafeet Mountain – جبل حفيت
Driving to Al Ain, towards Oman, at Jebel Hafeet the coral has formed an immense[…]
Noise of the Middle East – Performance
Your drafts folder is a notepad. One I found was this clip taken from the crowd[…]
The Wedding Project – Art Dubai
The Wedding Project forms part of the politics of food programme that has been running at[…]