Signs of Life and Death in Venice

The streets of Venice tell interesting stories. While the protest movement thrives and politics take centre stage, it seems we are living in the early 1900’s as posters of monks and sweet old nonnas fill wall spaces where they once no doubt passed.


“On the 4th June, embraced by Sister Death was: “Alfonso (Aldo) Manfren”. The day and church of the funeral is given with an open invitation.

“Let’s snuff out the nuclear programme. NO to fraud, YES to the referendum.”

“Let’s stay human. The freedom flotilla is leaving for Gaza and the Caravan of Ya Basta (Enough is Enough) returns from Tunisia.”

“Nuclear programme: Let’s put a cross. Let’s end nuclear energy.”

“The 30th May, lost to her loved ones is: Gnoato Gina.” Widowed: Voltolina, 97 years old.” Cute name Gnoato! Must come from gnosis, to know…

“Referendum, 12 and 13th June, Vote Yes. Water, should not be sold.”

I found all this quite invigorating, after all, it was in this week that the Scarafaggio, Berlusconi, was voted out in three major cities for the first time. The Italians themselves were excited, and a light was there for them at the end of a long tunnel of swindling, lies and degradation.