This three day festival near Hastings presents an opportunity to explore research I’ve been conducting over the four past years of my PhD topic
“Woman, Life, Freedom: Voices and Art from the Women’s Protests in Iran”
Inside the book, my written piece and photo detail the wearable art I’ve been making for the street protests and political rallies we have held and attended over the past year. I describe how my practice adapted from making sound pieces for a gallery context or to release on vinyl, to text on cloth featuring hashtags and slogans.
Woman Life Freedom Conference, University of the Arts London (UAL)
A 2 day conference “Tomorrow, Today: Woman Life Freedom” Wednesday April 19th / Thursday April 20th[…]
Women, Life, Freedom Radio Special
I asked women from Iran to think about what we overseas should know, and what we might do, and there are surprising, important results. I also got to question a seasoned and renowned activist Steve Marsling.
Iran – Your / Our /Their Story
A film on the personal as political and the personal as transferable. Stories of migration, bravery, distance and loss.
Integrity Inside-Outside – Performance
The performance began with my own words “I am wondering what is beyond and above empathy?
Venice Biennial, in Audio and Print
If there’s anything Covid has taught us, with all it’s various concomitant lockdowns, is that no[…]
Frieze Week Radio Specials 2019
This year the Frieze Week Specials ran from 23-27th September, with exciting new and return guests[…]
While We Were Dozing, the Money Crept In – The Echo Chamber and Hypernormalisation
“And while we were dozing, the money crept in…”
Animal Utterances
(Aspects of a talk given at University of Bristol’s English Literature Department conference Animal Utterances, summer[…]